
City Wide Events

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As well as providing day to day support for Edinburgh schools, Ideate have provided creative support for a number of city wide events, helping to showcase the creativity and diversity of the City’s pupils.

Click on the images below to find out more about the projects we have been involved in.

Paolozzi Prize for Art 2020
The 8th year of the annual Paolozzi Prize for Art was scheduled to take place in June 2020 in
the National Galleries of Scotland. Covid-19 restrictions and lockdown mean that the Arts and
Creative Learning Team had to quickly re-plan the event to run entirely online, while retaining
as much of the usual exciting buzz of the live Award Ceremony. Despite restrictions the 2020
Paolozzi prize attracted the highest number of nominations from art & design teachers across
High Schools, many saying they were pleased to have something positive and celebratory for
their pupils to look forward to. Forty pupils in S4-S6 were nominated across the 4 categories,
which are:

  • Talent & Creativity
  • New Directions
  • Overcoming Barriers
  • Spirit of Paolozzi
    The artworks and accompanying descriptors from teachers were considered by the
    experienced and discerning eyes of the judging panel:
  • Juan Cruz: Principal of Edinburgh College of Art
  • Siobhan McConnachie: Head of Education, National Galleries of Scotland
  • Duncan Robertson: artist and freelance educator who studied under Paolozzi in Munich
    The 8th Paolozzi Prize for Art Ceremony was a first for City of Edinburgh Council, hosted via the
    Stream facility of Office365 for teachers, pupils and their families to join on Thursday 25th June.
    This involved the Arts & Creative Learning team learning fast while working with IT specialist
    Gary Sullivan and resulted in a wonderful celebration of high school pupils’ achievements and
    art work enjoyed by dozens in their homes with family. Donald Macdonald, Head Teacher of
    James Gillespie’s High School commented afterwards: “You not just pulled it off you delivered
    with aplomb”.